Friday, July 1, 2011

My Life as a TCU Horned Frog

Initially, I was not planning on going to TCU because it is so close to home, but when I heard about the small class sizes, great school spirit, and great teachers I had to check it out. Then when I heard how prestigious the nursing program was, I knew it was the school for me. Although I have to spend a lot of time in the library because the classes are so rigorous, I know that I am in the right major for me.

Although I am thankful for everything that TCU has given me academically, I am also incredibly grateful for the people I have been introduced to and become friends with this past year. I met my best friend at the first frog camp and after an hour of talking to each other we decided to room together instead of doing pot luck. Here is the two of us at a TCU football game. 

I also have had the privilege of joining a sorority. It has been a great experience, and I have gotten to know so many great girls. Here are some of my sorority sisters and I before a Pi Phi formal. 

I was able to become really good friends with the people on my hall. Here we are during one of our snow days this past winter. 

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